To disable an ad blocker on Google Chrome:
Method 1: Disable Ad Blocker Extension
1. Click the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the Chrome browser.
2. Select *More tools* > *Extensions*.
3. Find the ad blocker extension (e.g., AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, uBlock Origin).
4. Toggle off the extension by clicking the blue toggle switch.
5. Confirm that you want to disable the extension.
Method 2: Pause Ad Blocker
1. Click the ad blocker extension icon in the top right corner of the Chrome browser.
2. Select *Pause* or *Disable* on this site.
Method 3: Whitelist a Website
1. Click the ad blocker extension icon in the top right corner of the Chrome browser.
2. Select *Options* or *Settings*.
3. Add the website you want to whitelist to the *Exceptions* or *Whitelist* list.
After disabling the ad blocker, refresh the webpage to see the changes.
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