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I can sense the hurt and confusion you’re feeling. It sounds like a really tough situation.

Firstly, it’s understandable that you were upset when she went out with her ex last December. It’s natural to feel insecure or unsure about what that meant for your relationship.

When she said she was tired of the relationship and didn’t seem sorry for her actions, that must have been really painful for you.

Now, it sounds like she’s come back to you after dating someone new for a month, and she’s saying she’s not feeling it with that person anymore. It’s like she’s expecting you to just take her back, without acknowledging the hurt she caused you or taking responsibility for her actions.

Here’s the thing: you deserve better than to be treated like this. You deserve someone who respects your feelings, communicates openly and honestly with you, and doesn’t play games with your heart.

It’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate this relationship. Ask yourself:

– Do you feel valued and respected in this relationship?
– Has she shown you that she’s committed to working through issues and growing together?
– Do you trust her to be honest with you and prioritize your feelings?

Take your time, and be honest with yourself. Remember that you deserve to be happy and treated with love and respect.

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